What is Urban Homesteading

What is Urban Homesteading Urban homesteading has multiple meanings.  For our purposes, we are referring to the urban homestead in the self-sufficiency sense and not the affordable housing definition with the intent on getting people in cities housed.   Overview While...

Gardening without Land Access

Gardening without Land Access Gardening without land is very doable.  With this in mind, patios and balcony’s are great places to garden.   Specifically residing in a condo or apartments does not mean you can not have a viable garden space.  Using containers for...
Planting Fruit Trees

Planting Fruit Trees

Planting Fruit Trees for a Backyard Orchard Planting fruit trees for an urban homestead orchard is rewarding.  A fruit tree takes several years to begin bearing fruit. However, once established it provides an abundance of delicious food year after year.  As a result,...


Mulching Options for Urban Homesteaders Mulching fruit trees, shrubs, and garden beds serve several purposes.  First, it protects the bare soil from the sun drying it out quickly.  This keeps the moisture in and maximizes all of your watering efforts.  Second, mulch...