How to Raise Ducks

How to Raise Ducks

How to Raise Ducks The basics you need to know to raise ducklings into happy egg-laying adult ducks Life Stages of a Duck Water for Ducks Shelter for Ducks Food for Ducks Duck Basics Ducks are an excellent addition to any homestead.  Raising ducklings to mature adults...
Ducks Eat Every Watermelon Good or Bad

Ducks Eat Every Watermelon Good or Bad

Sometimes those personal watermelons just aren’t very good. This one was not ripe at all even though it looked good, it was very light pink and kind of hard in the middle. While the duck girls didn’t annihilate it as fast as a very ripe melon they still...

Backyard Poultry

Backyard Poultry Chicken, Ducks, Geese, & More Many municipalities have relaxed rules regarding having backyard poultry in the city.  Given that it is legal to own chickens and ducks in many places they make an excellent addition to any urban homestead.  Adding a...

Snacks for Ducks

Favorite Snacks for Ducks What are some great snacks for ducks? Every duck loves a tasty treat like a mealworm, grub or bowl of peas.  However, it is important that they do not get too many snacks.  For instance, a snack is a special treat a couple of times per week...