Our little toddler loves yummy taters and he helped with part of our potato harvest this year. We grow potatoes in a variety of methods. These were a few extra seed potatoes of a red potato variety and Yukon golds that we had after planting our main rows. We tossed them into a couple of large pots, added some soil and off they go. At the end of the video is an example of what happens when you place potato seeds directly on the ground, cover them with dirt and debris, and coming back later in the summer. This resulted in tons of baby potatoes. This little boy loves to help in the garden and enjoyed finding taters in the pots.

Gardening with little ones is always a challenge, but too rewarding to not deal with the bumbles and stumbles along the way. This guy is always ready for another garden adventure. Whether that is digging up potatoes like in this video, or helping out with the duck snacks or watering the food forest.